Belanja buat Kakak

Gak sabar rasanya belanja2 keperluan Kakak...
Dapat referensi bagus disini niy...


Nifas Class

Kursus singkat persiapan menjelang masa nifas!
Yup! Kurang lebih itu lah nama kursus singkat yang kami ikuti di RS Tambak hari Sabtu lalu (27 Maret 2010). Di jadwalnya kursus harusnya dimulai jam 9 pagi sampai jam 12:30. Cuman karena hubby-ku baru pulang dari Cirebon-nya jam 4 Pagi, jadilah kami telat ke RS. But it's OK anyway, I'm pretty happy he loves to join the class.

Here I upload some of pic:


3 Idiots

This's India's movie? Yes!
The main reason why I love this movie is the fact that this movie has achieve highest selling in Bollywood and in England. Pretty sure this is a good one, huh! :P
Poor me, I couldn't found this movie on cinema, so choose the second option, bought a new DVD in ambassador.

The first things came up when you buying a DVD is asked question to the seller "Is it Ori?"
And if the answer is No, never and ever buy the DVD, but if Yes, you can buy it.
It means that the DVD already has a good picture, good sound and good subtitle (english & bahasa).
They're really an honest seller :P



Tadi malam bener2 gak bisa tidur...*sigh!*
Panasnya Jakarta...puool abiz....Hiks..tidur malam aja keringatan T_T
Padahal dah abis mandi dan keramas jam 7-an :(
Biasanya juga fine2 aja tuh selimutan klo malam...hhmm...kapan yah Jakarta udaranya kyk Bandung *macam2 tak mungkin :P*

Dah gak tahaan...mudah2an hari ini sukses acara nyari AC-nya bareng hubby...kasihan kan si Kakak dia suka nendang2 gtu klo akunya gak nyaman tidurnya.
*Kakak ngerasain kegerahan jg gk yah?*
Hmm..sepertinya apa yg ak rasakan berpengaruh besar pada Kakak...

Sabar yah Kak, ntar Ayah & Bunda beliin AC buat Kakak, biar bisa nyenyak tidurnya

Luv U Kakak :-*

*Puji Tuhan, hari ini CC BCA dgn limit baruku di approve...Thanks God, It just in time [-o<